Gujarat Panchayat Service Selection Board's new official website has been launched@
Gujarat Panchayat Service Selection Board's new official website has been launched@
A separate portal has been launched by the Government of Gujarat in the coming days for many recruitments in the Panchayat Department and to manage these recruitments properly.
A lot of cadre recruitments are coming up in this section in the near future so this website will be very useful
official website in below address
Functions & Duties
The Gujarat Panchayat Service Selection Board is established under section 235 of the Gujarat Panchayat Act, 1993. The Board consists of five members including the Chairman.
The duty of the Board is to select candidates for recruitment to Class III posts in the Panchayat Service and to advise the Panchayats in such matters as prescribed by the rules.
The Board also conduct Departmental Examination of Panchayat Service Class III and Hindi/Gujarati Languages Examination.
The Board also advise panchayats for disciplinary action against panchayat service class III employee as per District Panchayat proposals in case of:
Reduction in Rank
Compulsory Retirement
Removal from Service
Dismissal from Service
Reduction in Pension.
This website sub menu tital
Answer Key
Provisional Merit List
Final Selection List
Departmental Exam
Hindi/Gujarati Languages Exam
Latest Update

Gujarat Panchayat Service Selection Board's new official website has been launched@
A separate portal has been launched by the Government of Gujarat in the coming days for many recruitments in the Panchayat Department and to manage these recruitments properly.
A lot of cadre recruitments are coming up in this section in the near future so this website will be very useful
official website in below address
Functions & Duties
The Gujarat Panchayat Service Selection Board is established under section 235 of the Gujarat Panchayat Act, 1993. The Board consists of five members including the Chairman.
The duty of the Board is to select candidates for recruitment to Class III posts in the Panchayat Service and to advise the Panchayats in such matters as prescribed by the rules.
The Board also conduct Departmental Examination of Panchayat Service Class III and Hindi/Gujarati Languages Examination.
The Board also advise panchayats for disciplinary action against panchayat service class III employee as per District Panchayat proposals in case of:
Reduction in Rank
Compulsory Retirement
Removal from Service
Dismissal from Service
Reduction in Pension.
This website sub menu tital
Answer Key
Provisional Merit List
Final Selection List
Departmental Exam
Hindi/Gujarati Languages Exam
Latest Update